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PET&GARDEN Insect Repellent Pipette for Cats

£12.00 Regular price £19.00
by Flower
SKU: CM-0000003902
Type: Pipetas

The Repellent Pipettes of insects for cats of Pet&Garden Flower They are a antiparasitic for felines It is a very cash that walk away Y prevents to any kind of insect that chooses to stay in your cat, thus avoiding that ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, lice, etc. can infest your animal and produce a reaction, infection or disease that puts its health at risk.

The insect repellent pipettes for cats are the best antiparasitic for felines from Pet&Garden de Flower.

The efficiency of the pipettes is 2 months, After this time it will be necessary to supply your cat with the product again. Thanks to its applicator it is very easy to administer this product to your animal without it suffering or creating a traumatic moment.


Antiparasitic pipettes for cats. Prevents infection from insects such as ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, lice, etc...


  • Very simple application.
  • Efficacy of 2 months against insects.
  • Repels ticks, fleas, mosquitoes, lice, etc.
  • For all types of cats.

HOW TO USE. How to apply Pet&Garden insect repellent pipettes to your cat.

Before administering any product of this style to your cat, we recommend that you go to a veterinarian for advice and to tell you which is the ideal product for your animal. The best thing so that this situation does not cause stress to the cat is that you put it in a room where it feels safe. Open the ampoule and, separating the hair from behind the head, squeeze gently until the pipette is empty. The cat's hair should be dry at the time of application and it is recommended to avoid bathing the animal for the next 48 hours so that the product does not lose its effectiveness.


1 Pack with 2 insect repellent pipettes for cats. EAN 8426584406250.

*Orders that include this productmay take longer to be shipped due tologistic reasons. Delivery time may vary around10/12 days. If you urgently need the product,Get in contact with us for more information before making your purchase. 

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