Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores
¿ Como saber La edad de mi perro ?

How many years has my dog?

Los perros envejecen de manera diferente a los humanos, maduran antes en la infancia y luego disminuyen con el tiempo. La regla general de que un año canino equivale a siete años humanos no es del todo cierta.

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Nuevo pienso para perros marca Comercial Mida

New food for dogs Commercial brand Mida

As you well know, Comercial Mida Agrotiendas is a commercial brand aimed at responding to the needs of your pets and farm animals. That is why we are proud to present our own brand of maintenance feed, Commercial Mida dog food.

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Las agrotiendas en España. Pero... ¿Qué es una agrotienda? ¿Puede ser Online?

The farm shops in Spain. But... What is a farm store? Can it be Online?

Agrotienda founded in 1987, it was converted in the last decade to a consolidated and eCommerce that sells throughout Europe and even exports to half the planet. Cover of innumerable editorials for his business successes, he has been present in the most important newscasts in Spain (Antena 3, TeleCinco, La 1...). Confidence and good work is synonymous with Comercial Mida.

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Dog care, the"paticure"

To cut the nails of dogs well, do not overlook the following tips:

  • Clean the paws and fingers of dogs with soap and water before proceeding to cut.
  • Cut the nails of the hind legs first while you talk to your pets so that they calm down.
  • The placement of the scissors must be 45º more or less from the nail.
  • It is not necessary to cut the nails flush, we have to leave a margin of 1.5 cm. about.

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Control malas hierbas en el maíz

Weed control in corn

Herbicides are phytosanitary products responsible for eliminating weeds, which in addition to competing with the crop of interest for resources, cause direct damage to productivity and also make the farmer's tasks more difficult.

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