In general, when we talk about agro-stores we refer to agricultural stores associated with a cooperative that sell various items, from farm products to tools or animal feed. Sometimes they only sell to their own partners, but generally they are businesses that have a certain resemblance to a supermarket.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, there are establishments that are also called agro-stores and sell food-type products to the final consumer.
After these notes is the agrotienda 2.0 of reference in Spain. Measure Commercial. Our Comercial Mida, the only and genuine.
We are sure that there are a large number of companies in Spain that offer the same products and services as our business banner. They may even have much larger facilities and resources than our historic brand. But it will be very difficult to combine tradition and modernity in the way that Comercial Mida materializes it.
Agrotienda founded in 1987, it was converted in the last decade to a consolidated and eCommerce that sells throughout Europe and even exports to half the planet. Cover of innumerable editorials for his business successes, he has been present in the most important newscasts in Spain (Antena 3, TeleCinco, La 1...). Confidence and good work is synonymous with Comercial Mida.
Comercial Mida offers within its product catalog four fundamental pillars;
Trust us with your purchases and we will not disappoint you. Thirty-five years of life guarantee us. Try us!