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Nuestros perros y los fuegos artificiales, ¿qué podemos hacer?

Our dogs and fireworks, what can we do?

Our dogs and fireworks, what can we do?

Fireworks they are one of the great visual and sound attractions of any type of celebration. However, what for us translates into a simple show, for our furry ones it can become a really annoying issue. In this post we explain what to do if your dog is afraid of them and gets nervous .

August is one of the months of the year that hosts the most parties. Many towns celebrate these dates with firecrackers and fireworks, something that for our pets means having to put up with extremely loud noises for their ears. Veterinarians and experts point out that this fact can even cause the appearance of fears and phobias, a topic for which today we ask you the following question: ¿Do you know what to do if your dog is terrified of fireworks??

The first thing we must bear in mind is that these types of situations will always be seen by our dog as a moment of alert. Dogs have a hearing capacity three times greater than that of people and any noise translates into something uncomfortable for them.

Given this fact, many dogs begin to compulsively move from one side to another, hide their tail between their legs, bark, growl or tremble. They feel helpless and the mechanism they know to protect themselves is to try to get our attention so that we help them.

To avoid your anxiety and reduce possible consequences, from Commercial Measure we give you these practical tips :

  • Isolate your dog in a room inside the house, always with water andI think. Doors and windows can also be closed so that the noise that arrives is less.
  • Turning on the television, the radio, or playing music will help him relax and will partially hide the sound of fireworks.
  • Trying to distract him can also be a good idea. For this we can use anytoythat serves to make you have a good time.
  • If he gets under a table, a chair or a bed, we should never try to get him out of there, since we can increase his fear by trying to get him away from a place that the dog has chosen as a refuge. However, we can try to reassure him verbally.
  • If it is necessary to take it out of the house, we must always carry it tied with itsleash or harness to prevent it from escaping.
¡We hope that the post will help you and that you can enjoy without any problem with your faithful friend!
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