Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores
Control malas hierbas en el maíz

Weed control in corn

Weed control in corn

corn cultivation (Zea Mays) is very old, dating back thousands of years. Today, it is the cereal with the highest volume of production worldwide.

In our country, especially in Galicia and on the Cantabrian coast, the species adapted very well to the weather, generating good yields.

We can affirm that since the Industrial Revolution, thecorn It came to have great weight on human and mainly animal nutrition, which meant a very high economic impact on that society.


The corn...

It is a grass that has two types of roots. The first is of the fibrous type, and gives rise to adventitious roots. To feed, it requires nutrient-rich soils and does not tolerate poor soils.

When planted (through direct seeding) in nutrient-rich soils, weeds (weeds) can compete with corn plants for resources.

To prevent weeds from using the resources that our crop needs to grow and bear fruit, it is advisable to apply selective herbicides for corn.


Phytosanitary products for corn

Herbicides are phytosanitary products responsible forremove weeds, which in addition to competing with the cultivation of interest for resources, cause direct damage to productivity and also hinder the tasks of the farmer.

Herbicides available on the market can be separated into two large groups:

Of pre emergency : they are the ones who should apply just after maize planting , that is, before the crop has germinated.

The advantage of using this type of herbicide lies in the control of weeds from the moment one. We must remember that for the product to penetrate, it is important that it rains after application.

CAMIXIt is a pre-emergence and early post-emergence herbicide. It combines two active ingredients so it has a wide spectrum of action. As an advantage, one of its active ingredients has residual activity, so if there is moisture in the soil, it will continue to act. For your purchase and use it is necessary to be in possession of the Phytosanitary Product Applicator Card Basic level at least.


Of Post emergency: are the products whose application must be made once the corn has germinated (mainly in the early stages of cultivation).

The advantage of using this type of herbicide is that the application will be localized (lower cost), since we will be able to see the corn seedlings born.

TIDEXis a selective herbicide for the control and elimination of broadleaf weeds. It is absorbed by the leaves, through a translocation system throughout the plant to ensure that it reaches all the underground organs and prevents the appearance of sprouts that can cause damage to plantations. This product does not needPhytosanitary Product Applicator Card .

SHIVERIt is a systemic post-emergence herbicide that is absorbed by the leaves and transported to the meristematic tissues. It works by stopping cell division, preventing the development of weeds. Control weeds in early post emergence. For your purchase and use it is necessary to be in possession of the Phytosanitary Product Applicator Card Basic level at least.


Mida Business Council

In order for the crop to take advantage of the resources provided by the land and the farmer's fertilizer, the application of a herbicide is necessary. To enter the farm only once, we recommend post-emergence herbicides, applied in the first stages of maize growth.

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