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Como abonar mi bonsái

Sometimes I wonder... How to fertilize my Bonsai?

Sometimes I wonder... How to fertilize my Bonsai?

It is known that the living beings of the Plant Kingdom also need nutrients for their correct development. In the case of plants, these nutrients are extracted from the soil.

The Bonsai They are usually planted in pots so they have a finite amount of nutrients. That is why the contributions we make to that land will be crucial.


¿What is the optimal time to fertilize my Bonsai??

The optimal time to fertilize our Bonsai is towards the end of summer, although it can also be fertilized in spring, if we notice that the plant is going through a period of strong growth.


¿When is it not advisable to pay a Bonsai?

It is not recommended to pay during the winter or when the heat conditions are extreme.

Like the rest of the plants,Bonsai should not be fertilized if they show symptoms of disease or have recently been transplanted.


¿How should we pay the Bonsai?

it's hard to knowhow should we pay our bonsai . It is advisable to make small contributions of nutrients frequently, without waiting for our plant to show symptoms of deficiencies (for example, weakness and yellowing of the leaves).


Liquid fertilizers for Bonsai

Theliquid manure SUPER K BONSAI by Comercial Mida It can be applied with irrigation water, or by spraying the leaves.

Among its advantages, we highlight the ease of application and good use by the plant.

It is recommended never to exceed the dose indicated by the manufacturer.

Our fertilizer, manufactured with great care for us exclusively, has a balanced combination of nutrients, which will provide our Bonsai with everything it needs to be healthy and vigorous. In addition to Nitrogen as a macronutrient, which will favor the growth of the stem and leaves, it contains amino acids and algae extracts (Ascophillum nodosum) that will stimulate the different stages of its life cycle.


Mida Business Council

Apply 3-5 milliliters of product per liter of irrigation water or spray 3 milliliters of the product per liter of water to be sprayed and you will see how your Bonsai gains strength!!

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