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COMERCIAL MIDA SUPER K, Bonsai Special Fertilizer

£10.00 Regular price £14.00
SKU: CM-0000009008

Super K is a type of liquid manure special for the care, protection and stimulation ofbonsai and other garden plants. This type of fertilizer is formulated based on fast-absorbing special amino acids and high content of organic matter from algae Ascophyllum nodosum, which guarantee complete protection of plants. Its use is suitable for foliar and root application on all types of crops, except plum . The balanced content in amino acids, allows to overcome and prevent diseases or debilitations in periods and moments of biotic and abiotic stress throughout the crop cycle. This stimulant works as soil improver and deficiency corrector . Facilitates the absorption and assimilation of essential nutrients, improvement of water retention and an increase in the physiological performance of plants; ensuring greater and best production , fruiting and quality of flowers and fruits.

Super K Bonsai fertilizer, the best liquid organic fertilizer for bonsai from Comercial Mida

¿What does Super K fertilizer do for bonsai and garden plants? Allows contribution of primary microelements As the Nitrogen (N), which improves the growth factor, promotes the development of leaf mass and the synthesis of chlorophyll. The Match (P) allows a complete development of the roots, improves the process of synthesis and transport of energy and the use of sunlight that allows a good transfer of genetic information. The Potassium (K) is the regulator of the opening of stomata and favors the resistance of plants to frost or drought. In addition to these essential components, this fertilizer facilitates the creation and absorption of other elements such as Sulfur (S), Iron (Faith), Copper (Cu), Magnesium (Mg) or Zinc (Zn), which allow a good synthesis of proteins and hormones, better quality of the pollen or stability in the cell walls. In conjunction with the amino acids and algae , rooting is improved, the quick recovery of crops in adverse situations, and an increase in the physiological performance of bonsai and other plants.

¿What deficiencies does the Super K fertilizer fight against??

This type of fertilizer works as a preventive and curative treatment, avoiding the development of deficient or weak substrates, the inability to absorb non-assimilable nutrients or the appearance of weak or damaged plants.

¿How important are algae?Ascophyllum nodosum that are part of this formula?

This type of algae has a double function: they are fertilizers and biostimulants . They have a great capacity for regeneration, ensuring an abundant and strong harvest. Its composition contains carbohydrates reserves that participate in the process of energy storage and regulation of enzyme and defense functions. Algae improve the processes of plant respiration, photosynthesis, chlorophyll formation and soil disinfection. This type of fertilization  improves the biometric parameters of the plant, as well as its physiological and agronomic performance.


Liquid fertilizer with microelements and amino acidsfor bonsai and other garden plants.


  • Complete stimulant with microelements and amino acids.
  • Excellent for the most important phases of vegetative growth.
  • It favors flowering, fruit set and vegetative and root development.
  • It provides vitamins and essential elements such as Nitrogen, Boron, Magnesium, Potassium, Manganese...
  • It acts as a preventive and curative treatment.
  • Protects plants against infestations, drought or frost.
  • It offers total protection of bonsai: from the roots to the leaves.
  • Ideal for situations of biotic and abiotic stress.


Free amino acids: 9% weight on weight and 11.16% weight on volume - Total Nitrogen: 6.8% weight on weight and 8.43% weight on volume - Organic Nitrogen: 6.8% weight on weight and 8.43 % weight on volume and pH: 7-8 weight on weight.

Aspartic acid 7.81
Glutamic acid 11.7
serine 14.5
Histidine 1.6
glycine 8.5
threonine 5.3
To the girl 5.3
Arginine 6.1
tyrosine 0.8
valine 5.9
methionine 0.6
Phenylalanine 5.5
isoleucine 3.8
Leucine 7.4
lysine 1.6
Proline 12.4
Cysteine 1.3

¿How to use Super K liquid fertilizer for bonsai?

The fertilizer can be applied both by foliar route and by irrigation at any time of the crop cycle. It is especially indicated in those stages in which the plant has a higher level of stress and energy expenditure. We highlight its high efficiency in high and low temperature stress conditions. In soils poor in organic matter, this product is ideal as a root contribution with any irrigation system. For these soils, the number of applications should be increased to 6. The minimum application interval by root route is one week while by foliar route it is 10 days.

Minimum interval of applications:

  • Foliar application: 10 days.
  • Root application: 7 days.



DOSE (Application:Liters/Hectare)

Application Time

F: 3ml/l spray



A: 3-5 ml/l of irrigation water

Minimum 2-3 contributions distributed throughout the season at any time of stress.



Minimum 2-3 contributions distributed throughout the season at any time of stress.

pome fruit trees

F: 3L/Ha



A: 5-6L/Ha

Minimum 2 contributions during the first phases of the cultivation cycle (highly recommended before flowering).


Minimum 3 contributions distributed mainly during the first 2 phases of crop growth.

stone fruit trees

F: 3L/Ha



A: 5-6L/Ha

Minimum 2 applications at any time of the crop cycle (it should not be applied on the plum tree).


Minimum 3 contributions distributed in the first 2 phases of crop growth and at any time of stress.


F: 2L/Ha



A: 5L/Ha

Minimum 3 contributions distributed throughout the season at any time of stress.


Minimum 3 contributions distributed throughout the season and at any time of stress.


F: 2L/Ha



A: 5-6L/Ha

Minimum 3 contributions distributed throughout the season at any time of stress.


Minimum 3 contributions distributed in the first 2 phases of crop growth.


F: 2L/Ha



A: 5-6L/Ha

 Minimum 3 contributions distributed throughout the season at any time of stress.


Minimum 3 contributions distributed in the first 2 phases of crop growth.

leaf vegetables


F: 1.5-2 L/Ha



A: 3L/Ha

 Minimum 3 contributions distributed throughout the season at any time of stress.


Minimum 3 contributions distributed throughout the season at any time of stress.

fruit vegetables

F: 1.5-2L/Ha



A: 3L/Ha

 Minimum 3 contributions distributed during the first phases of vegetative growth, and at any time of stress.


Minimum 3 contributions distributed during the first phases of vegetative growth, and at any time of stress.



F: 2L/Ha



A: 3L/Ha

 Minimum 3 contributions distributed during the first phases of vegetative growth, and at any time of stress.


Minimum 3 contributions distributed during the first phases of vegetative growth, and at any time of stress.



F: 1.5-2 L/Ha



A: 3L/Ha

 Minimum 2 contributions distributed during the first phases of vegetative growth, and at any time of stress.


Minimum 3 contributions distributed during the first phases of vegetative growth, and at any time of stress.


  • 1 Liter bottle.
  • Complete Box: 12 Bottles x 1 Liter.
  • 5 liter drum.
  • Complete Box: 4 Drums x 5 Liters.

