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DERMOCANIS Shampoo 250 ml Frequent Use for Dogs

£22.00 Regular price £29.00
by Ecuphar
SKU: CM-0000004697
Type: Champú

shampoo usual use for dogs of all breeds and sizes. Ideal for preventing skin problems due to its composition specially designed for cleaning all types of epidermis . Respect the natural physiology of the skin and has beneficial components with a mild effect on the animal. Free of perfumes, dyes and ingredients that are toxic or harmful to the pet. This product is the perfect dog shampoo as it can be given a prolonged use without damaging the skin's skin barrier. There are pets that require continuous baths due to different circumstances, Ecuphar's Dermocanis Frequent Use Shampoo is the perfect complement because maintains skin health .

The best continuous use shampoo for dogs with any skin type

Shampoo Dermocanis frequently used It is ideal for dogs that need constant and long-lasting baths thanks to its soft and moisturizing effect on the skin.


Frequent use shampoo for dogs of all breeds and sizes that require continuous baths for some special circumstance. Regular cleaning may be indicated due to skin problems or because it is a breed that usually dirty the skin.


  • Physiological shampoo for dogs of frequent use.
  • Especially indicated for pets that require constant baths.
  • Composed of mild ingredients, free of dyes or perfumes.
  • Ideal for dogs with skin problems.
  • Maintains the natural skin barrier.


First, the animal's hair should be wet with warm water. Distribute the shampoo on the dog's skin in different areas. The amount will depend on the size and amount of hair of the dog. Gently rub the shampoo all over the dog's surface until it is well covered. Rinse with plenty of water to remove product remains. Repeat the same process until the dog is completely clean.


250 ml container. EAN 8431506221323.

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