Fluid Concentrate Herbicide for weed control in sugar beet and fodder . Pre-emergence and post-emergence function against Loliu sp, Phalaris sp. and Avena sterilis. Composed by metamitrone , systemic triazinone with highly effective herbicide function. It is instantly absorbed and paralyzes photosynthesis to stop the proliferation of weeds. Fluid concentrate format for normal spraying.
Weeds reduce the quality of crops and make harvesting difficult. They are direct competition for the beet, they reduce the obtaining of light, water and nutrients necessary for the proper growth of the plant. Therefore, the Mito 70 SC herbicide is the perfect complement.
Apply for suppression of annual weeds in sugar beet and fodder beet. Proven effectiveness for pre-emergence or post-emergence control of Lolium sp and Phalaris sp, as well as other dicotyledons and grasses.
Apply at a rate of 200-500 litres/ha. For any type of beet plant. In preemergence make a single application. Dose of 3 litres/ha. In post emergency make 1-3 applications with an interval of 6-14 days. Dosage 0.5-1.5 litres/ha. Combined applications should not exceed 3.5 litres/ha. Exclusive use for farmers and professionals. High toxicology for aquatic organisms, leave a safety band of 5 meters to surface water areas.
2.2 Label elements
The Herbicide MITO 70SC is composed of Metamitrone 70%.
250 ml container.
Discover thebest prices and offers inphytosanitary products for professional use that we prepare for you at Comercial Mida.
According to Royal Decree 1311/2012, of September 14, which establishes the framework of action to achieve a sustainable use of phytosanitary products in accordance with Directive 2009/120/CE, we inform you that for the acquisition of this product, it will be mandatory to present to the selling company (Comercial Mida), at least, the Basic phytosanitary product applicator card . In case of not being in possession of it, the commercial transaction will not be carried out.
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