Blindax is a foliar fungus inhibitor treatment that favors the nutritional balance of the plant and promotes the protection of its leaves. This product is a fertilizing plant extract that helps to recover plants that have suffered deterioration or breakage due to foliar fungi. Supports the healing of damaged plant tissue and prevents the spread of fungi such as Phytophthora, Alternaria, Septoria, Cercospora or Botrytis cinerea. It comes in liquid format in a 45 ml bottle.
Method of recovery and healing of plants affected by foliar fungi.
Seedbeds:0.5 cc/l of water Young plants:0.7-0.8 cc/l. Plants in vegetative stage 1.25 cc/l. Flowering and fruit phase:1.25-1.50 cc/l. In preventive apply every 7-10 days, in curative every 5 days.
Solution based on potassium salts of fatty acids, plant extracts and organic acids, lignosulfonates and silicates, fulvic acids.
45 ml bottle.
4.86 / 5.0
7 reviews5.0 / 5.0
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