Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores

GAUN Mini Automatic Rabbit Drinker

£8.00 Regular price £9.00
by Gaun
SKU: CM-0000011393

The Gaun Mini Automatic Drinker is designed to provide a stable flow of drinking water to the rabbits that live in the cage in which it will be installed. The basin of the drinker is made of stainless steel to resist rabbit bites.

The best Gaun Mini Automatic Rabbit Drinker

This drinker is designed to receive water through a flexible feeding tube . It has a thread at the bottom to purge the system and/or clean it.


Gaun Mini Automatic rabbit drinker.


  • Stainless steel.
  • Cap to bleed the system.


Stainless steel and polypropylene.


Unit EAN 8435039002503.

Discover the best Gaun offers that we have prepared for you at Comercial Mida.