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BYETOP repellent 80g for moles

£13.00 Regular price £16.00
by Massó
SKU: CM-0000001356
Type: Topicida

BYETOP is a very effective mole repellent , which does not end its life but eliminates them by making them leave their current location.

The smoke generated by Byetop coats the walls of the mole's burrow tunnels with a thin layer of oil, thus forming a physical barrier on the surface of the tunnels. This barrier prevents the worms from penetrating their burrow, so by not finding food in their territory, the moles end up moving to another location and disappearing from the treated area.


  1. Select a burrow hole to treat.
  2. Make sure all other openings are covered to prevent smoke from escaping out of the burrow.
  3. Take off the lid of Byetop and light the fuse.
  4. Push Byetop's boat as deep as you can into the burrow.
  5. Cover the hole and repeat the previous operation in the other molehills, using a pot every 3 holes.
  6. Mark the position of the boats and remove them the next day.


80gr Byetop container. EAN 8424084007892.

Use biocides safely. Always read the label and biocide information before using it.