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Concentrated insecticide SC Protect Home anti ants

£6.00 Regular price £13.00
by SBM
SKU: CM-0000001765

Protect Home SC is a effective poison against ants outside with a huge shock effect Y Long duration formulated to eliminate and control insects that live freely in outdoor areas near houses. Put an end to ant infestations on the terrace, balcony, garden or outdoor patio with the help of a concentrated insecticide such as Protect Home SC.

Protect Home Exterior SC Insecticide Concentrate


Protect Home SC is designed as an insecticide against ants that everyone, individuals or professionals, can use to eliminate insects from outside areas of our homes. Excellent shock action and long persistence.

¿How SC Insecticide Concentrate is used against ants?

  • First of all, we must find the area where the ants pass through and try to find the anthill and various entrances. Once the treatment areas are located, we must follow these steps:
  • Dissolve 20 ml of insecticide in 5 liters of water.
  • Pour the compound through a sprayer or watering can precisely on those places where you want the Concentrated Insecticide SC to take effect.
  • Finally, rinse the container with water and empty it on the anthill to eliminate the ants from the outside.

You can repeat the process the following month. It is recommended not to carry out more than 2 treatments per season.


  • Its application is recommended in dry or sunny situations. Rain substantially reduces the effects.
  • Avoid contact with the disinsection area until it is completely dry.
  • Prevent children or pets from coming into contact with the places where you have applied the insecticide until it is completely dry.
  • Once the application is finished, we recommend throwing away the solution and thoroughly cleaning the container where we have mixed the water with the insecticide before using it for other purposes.
  • Do not forget to wash your hands thoroughly after applying the product.


2.2 Label elements

  • Labeled for Spain according to the Official Registry of Biocides.
  • Label like danger for supply and the use.
  • H411 – Toxic for the acuatic organisms, with lasting noxious efects.
  • EUH 401 – In order to avoid risks to people and the environment, follow the instructions for use.
  • H208 – Fire danger; increased risk of explosion if the desensitizing agent is reduced.
  • P273 – To avoid it's releasing into the environment.
  • P391 – Collect the spill.
  • Carefully read the instructions for waste management.
  • Deposit the container in places enabled for it.

Attention. It is essential to read the recommendations in case of poisoning or accident as well as the steps to safely dispose of the product and its packaging.

Use biocides safely. Always read the label and biocide information before using it.


Concentrated suspension (SC), Deltamethrin 0.73%, excipients and solvents c.s.p. 100%


  • Concentrated Insecticide (EAN 8422686094326)
  • Total Protection Pack Concentrated Insecticide + Insecticide Spray.

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