Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores

GÓMEZ Y CRESPO Fodder for Round Rabbit Cage

£11.00 Regular price £21.00
SKU: CM-0000004307
Type: Comederos

The fodder of Gomez and Crespo It is a container designed forround cageof rabbits of the same brand. This element is placed in the cage through the hooks and serves to store fodder of the animal. The rabbit's diet is made up only of foods of plant origin, offering them naturally and in good condition is essential for the rabbit's health to be favorable. A balanced diet should be made up of a mixture of hay, green fodder and daily feed, rationing it to avoid indigestion and excessive fat. This item is made with sheet metal which makes it an instrument resistant and with a long shelf life.

Kerbl's best rabbit food storage container.

The forage will always have available to the animal the hay and forage that is provided so that the rabbit enjoys good health. Hay has essential fiber that ensures the proper functioning of your digestive system and its nutritional value is greater when it is green. Like a good diet, another of the key points for the well-being of the animal is to keep it hydrated, for this it is recommended that the animal has free access to drinking and fresh water.


The forage is a fundamental element to place in the round cage for males so that the animals can freely access their food.


  • Element that is placed in the round cage of male rabbits to store hay and fodder.
  • Made with sheet metal.
  • Strong instrument.
  • Long shelf life.
  • Made in Spain.
  • With hooks on the front for easy placement in the cage.
  • Easy to clean.


Made of sheet metal.


1 Forage for round cage of Gómez and Crespo males. EAN 8433602006170.


Discover the best prices andGomez and Crespo offers  that we prepare for you at Comercial Mida.