Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores

GÓMEZ Y CRESPO Economic Cage-4 with 8 Departments for Rabbits

£521.00 Regular price £624.00
SKU: CM-0000003685

The economic cage-4 by Gómez y Crespo is a rabbit hutch with 8 departments divided into 2 floors . This type of cage is ideal for rabbit breeding since it allows to have up to 8 pairs of procreating animals without being dangerous for any of them. Thanks to your lifting by leg support Domestic and wild animals cannot attack rabbits, favoring their safety and protection. For greater hygiene between the two floors, a tray that prevents the fall of waste from the floor above to the floor below.

The economic cage-4 is the best double-deck rabbit cage with 8 departments from Gómez y Crespo.

The economy cage-4 is Made in Spain with high quality materials and resistance that prevent rust and corrosion from penetrating the product, thus offering a rabbit hutch with great temporary durability. With the economic cage-4 all the necessary accessories are included to offer your rabbits the maximum possible comfort. It includes 8 feeders with 2 mixed mouths, 8 drinkers that can be of the pacifier type, or bowl and forage.


Economic cage-4 is a vivar for raising rabbits with 8 departments divided into two floors. Available with two types of drinker, pacifier type and bowl type.


  • Live for rabbit breeding.
  • With 8 apartments divided into two floors.
  • Includes 8 feeders with 2 mixed mouths and 8 pacifier or bowl-type drinkers.
  • Contains fodder.
  • Made in Spain from highly resistant materials.


204cm x 63cm x 150cm.


  • 1 economic cage-4 with pacifier drinker. EAN 8433602000208.
  • 1 Economic cage-4 with bowl drinker. EAN 8433602007825.

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