Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores


£7.00 Regular price £11.00
SKU: CM-0000003132
Type: Fertilizante

The Neudorff Green Plants fertilizer sticks It has animal and vegetable origin, making it an ideal organic fertilizer to ensure the growth of indoor plants, favoring a natural action of up to 100 days. This product is very easy to use and place in pots, planters or indoor planters. This subscription NPK 8-3-5 It has the authorized fertilizer certificate for organic farming, making it ideal for organic gardens and organic crops.

Azet fertilizer sticks for green plants Neudorff

100 days without the need to pay your indoor plants. Doesn't that sound good? Thanks to Neudorff's Azet Green Plant Fertilizer Sticks, plants will grow strong and healthy. It stands out for its ease of use and positive results in ecological use and rapid performance that this fertilizer generates on decorative indoor plants.r.


Solid fertilizer in sticks for indoor green plants.


  • Organic fertilizer NPK 8-3-5.
  • Ideal for applying in flowerpots, pots and similar containers indoors, on terraces and balconies.
  • Authorized use for organic farming.
  • Ideal fertilizer for green plants.
  • Promotes the correct growth of indoor plants.
  • It improves the absorption of water and nutrients and intensifies the root system.
  • Prevents the formation of bald spots and weeds.
  • Contains Iron (Fe).
  • Easy to apply.
  • Quality raw materials.


Place the sticks near the edge of the pot and cover lightly. It can be applied directly after planting in the pot or every 3 months.


Ø Pot No. sticks / pot
12cm 1 stick
16-18cm 3 sticks
Balcony plants / Planters 2-3 sticks per plant
planters Max 20 sticks per meter of planter



NPK fertilizer 8-3-5, Ca-S (5-10.3).

Total Nitrogen (N): 8.0%, Organic Nitrogen (N) 8.0%, Total Phosphorus Pentoxide (P205) 3.0%, Total Potassium Oxide (K2O) 5.0%, Calcium Oxide (CaO ) 5.0%, Sulfur Trioxide (SO3) 10.3%, Iron (Fe) 1%, Organic Carbon (C) 37.0%, C/N Ratio 4.6, Humic Acids 5.0%, Humidity 5-14.0%. Low in chloride.


Zip closure bag with 40 fertilizer sticks. EAN 4005240180280


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