Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores

NEUDORFF GARDEN TRAP (Greenhouses and Urban Gardens)

£10.00 Regular price £14.00
SKU: CM-0000003162

The Neudorff Orchard Trap are ideal for control of flying insects in urban gardens, greenhouses or outdoors . Its natural protection makes this ecological and insecticide-free trap an excellent solution against pests of whiteflies, black midges of the substrate, leaf miners, aphids, thrips and even small grasshoppers. Each 20cm yellow strip is made of strong yellow plastic to attract insects and a sticky tail that effectively captures any insect that dares to land on it.

Ecological Orchard Trap for control of flying insects

The permanent and odorless glue It allows the control of flying insects, with high resistance to extreme temperatures and direct contact with water, so you can irrigate crops without fear that the anti-insect trap will lose effectiveness.


Trap catches flying insects for urban gardens, greenhouses and outdoors against white flies, black midges, leaf miners, aphids, thrips and small grasshoppers.


  • Special attractive color for pests.
  • Contact trap.
  • No insecticide.
  • 20 x 7.5 cm strips.
  • Control of flying insects in urban gardens, outdoors and greenhouses.
  • Resistant to water and high temperatures.
  • Fast action.


The instructions for using the Neudorff Orchard Trap are simple:

  1. Peel off and separate the traps you are going to use.
  2. Place a trap for each plant. Use the wires to fix it to the trunk.


Hard yellow plastic coated with sticky glue.


Package with 7 strips and 7 wires. EAN 4005240003220.

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