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Complementary Feed CHEMICAL IBÉRICA Calniacin Mg for Cows

£7.00 Regular price £8.00
SKU: CM-0000007928

Calniation Mg of Chemical Iberian it's a dietary supplementary feed to administer to cattle. This type of product is essential to guarantee good health in Milky cows as reduces the risk of puerperal fever and hypocalcemia . These diseases occur when the calcium and phosphorus that should make up more than 70% of the total mineral elements of the animal is insufficient. When calcium from the blood reserve is used during childbirth, exceeding the input of calcium absorbed from the intestine and that mobilized by the bone, paresis occurs.

Calniacin Mg is the best complementary feed for dairy cows from Chemical Ibérica.

The administration of Calcianin Mg will be carried out orally following the dosage indicated by the manufacturer. If muscle tremors, lack of appetite, rigid limbs, dry snout, etc. are observed, it is likely that your animal is in an unfavorable state of health, the ideal is that you consult your trusted veterinarian and provide him with a nutritional supplement that help you recover.


Dietary complementary feed to reduce the risk of puerperal fever and hypocalcaemia in dairy cows.


  • Dietary complementary feed for dairy cows.
  • Reduces the risk of puerperal fever.
  • Minimizes hypocalcaemia.
  • It will be administered orally.
  • It is available in two formats.
  • Improves the health status of the animal.

HOW TO USE. How to administer Calniacin Mg from Chemical Ibérica to dairy cowss?

Before administering any nutritional supplement to your animal, we recommend that you consult your trusted veterinarian. The administration of Calniacin Mg will be carried out orally, depositing the gel as far inside the oral cavity as possible.


Childbirth and lactation preparation
4 doses of 480 gr per cow

1 dose on the eve of delivery.

1 dose at the time of delivery.

1 dose 12 hours postpartum.

1 dose 24 hours postpartum.

Dietary supplement to injectable calcium
2 doses of 480 gr per cow

1 dose 12 hours post-injection.

1 dose 24 hours post-injection.

In situations of hypocalcaemia 2-4 doses of 480 gr per cow

1 dose in the morning.

1 dose in the afternoon.


Calcium Chloride, Magnesium Chloride, Niacin, Citric Acid.


  • Calniacin Mg 480 gr.
  • Calniation Mg 5 Kg.


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