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Complementary Feed FATRO BIOSWEET M Cows 5Kg

£35.00 Regular price £43.00
by Fatro
SKU: CM-0000009084

biosweet de Fatro is a dietary supplementary feed designed to complete the diet of cattle. Is mineral formula get raise blood glucose and insulin levels so that they remain constant. Helps prevent and treat peripartum diseases (CEP) such as ketosis, mastitis, retained placenta, metritis or decreased production, among others. This food provides energy and it works like appetite promoter . It regulates the intestinal absorption and utilization of glucose, in addition to increasing the number of prolactin receptors in the breast. It includes malt , which measures and controls the levels of ketosis to reduce its incidence. The mixture of different sugars produces various effects on bacteria in the rumen. complementary feed reduces postpartum weight loss and improves the energetic action , reinforces the productive parameters and improves lactogenesis and reproductive parameters.

Biosweet M complementary feed, Fatro's best appetite promoter for cows

The Complex of Peripartum Diseases (CEP) It is one of the great problems that occur in dairy farms. The origin of ketosis, metritis, rennet and retained placenta , identifies with the start of lactation , due to the negative energy balance that occurs around childbirth. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to use complementary feed that keeps the negative energy balance of the cows as low as possible.


Dietary supplementary feed designed to promote and favor the appetite of cattle.


  • Mineral dietary feed.
  • Indicated to complete the diet of cattle.
  • Raises blood glucose and insulin levels.
  • Helps prevent and treat ketosis and other peripartum conditions.
  • It works as an appetite promoter.
  • Helps produce rumen in the dry-lactating transition.
  • Provides extra vitamins, minerals and essential elements.
  • Strengthens and protects the immune system.


It is advisable to apply between 100 and 200 gr per animal, per day, from 15 days before delivery.


Liquid malt extract, fructose syrup and technological additives.


5 kg bottle.

* Orders that include this product may take longer to be shipped due to logistic reasons . Delivery time may vary around 3/4 days . If you urgently need the product, Get in contact with us for more information before making your purchase.

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