The malt Kawu de Calier for cats is a type of oral paste that serves as a complementary food that favors the well-being of felines in their day to day. Among its many benefits, it stands out the easier to evacuate and eliminate hairballs , speeding up the functioning of intestinal transit. keeps the healthy skin and shiny hair, thanks to components of its formula such as Omega 3 and 6 . It incorporates BIO-MOS prebiotics beneficial for the intestinal flora, phosphorus to maintain some strong teeth and bones and an improved calcium balance. East nutritional supplement promotes digestive health and prevents vomiting and diarrhea, as well as decay and apathy, frequent retching or even constipation.
¿Why do cats swallow so much hair? Felines spend much of their time grooming and maintaining their clean fur thanks to the help of the spines that form their tongue and that allows them to drag all the dead hair effectively. The problem appears when the animals are not able to spit out this fluff and end up swallowing it. When the fur accumulates excessively in the animal's stomach, it will make the effort to vomit, thus discarding the furball; but on many occasions these balls cause constipation due to the impossibility of ending them. ¿How to prevent intestinal discomfort With the help of malts, you will help your little feline to make this process as natural and less annoying as possible.
Oral paste designed for the correct digestive function of cats, eliminating annoying hairballs that can cause constipation or vomiting and stress.
It is recommended to administer malt daily along with food, directly from the tube or on one of the paws for the cat to lick.
Depending on the type of fur of the felines, the amounts will vary:
Malt extract, Omega 3, Omega 6, Calcium, Phosphorus.
Container of 100 gr. EAN 8422320021695.
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