Is malt for cats helps undo hair balls ingested by cats. These faithful pets spend a lot of time every day cleaning their fur, but in the meantime, the excess hair falls to the ground forming balls of hair, potentially dangerous if our cat decides to eat them. Gimcat Malta Soft Extra is free of ingredients of animal origin , so it is a product compatible with the vegan diet for cats
To protect the gastrointestinal system of our pet it is necessary to use a malt for cats effective and healthy . GimCat Malta Soft Extra helps eliminate hairballs from the cat's stomach and intestines, thus promoting better digestive health.
Cat paste designed for any breed, age or hair length.
Thanks to the Anti-Hairball formula, GimCat Soft Extra Professional paste offers daily protection against hairballs. The combination of malt, linseed oil and cellulose will make the ingested hair circulate through the cat's digestive system more easily and naturally, as well as considerably reducing the formation of hairballs in the stomach.
GimCat Malta Soft Extra Professional prevents digestive problems caused by the formation of hairballs and its Beta-Glucan content helps prevent irritation and discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.
There are three ways to take cat paste. First of all, you can try mixing the malt with the feed. If this method is ineffective, try offering it as a treat or snack straight from the tube. If both ways are less successful than expected, we recommend that you place a malt pea for cats in their paw, you will see how their instinct and cleanliness do the rest.
Malt 43%, linseed oil 4%, cellulose 4%, yeasts (contains 1% beta-glucan). No added sugars.
gross fat | 38.5% |
Humidity | 12% |
Crude protein | 5.5% |
raw ash | 5.0% |
Crude fiber | 2.5% |
6 cm daily (1cm = approx 0.5 g). Each 50 gr tube lasts 15 days.
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