The Beaphar Malt Paste It is a product indicated to administer to cats since it contributes to expel the hairballs of its interior allowing the intestines to function correctly. This paste is a mixture of two substances a malt paste that encapsulates the hairs inside the animal's stomach with a layer of malt so that the evacuation through the intestine is good and BIO-MOS that it is a natural ingredient with yeast cells that contributes to develop a healthy intestinal flora . This guarantees a improvement in digestion and an older natural resistance that decreases the activity of harmful bacteria.
The use of malt paste is essential because cats ingest a large amount of hair after daily cleaning routines, these hairs accumulate in the stomach and can cause different digestive problems and intestinal obstructions. These types of products help prevent this type of risk improving the health of the animal. Available in two formats, one of 100 gr and another of 250 gr.
Malt paste to expel hairballs in cats.
Malt paste and BIO-MOS.
The application of Malt Paste can be done directly from the pot to the animal's mouth or mixed with its usual animal.
Discover the best prices and offersbeaphar that we have prepared for you at Comercial Mida.