Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores


£366.00 Regular price
SKU: CM-0000004676
Type: Sustrato

The Floricat black peat is a type of substratum with excellent properties and contains humic extracts that aim to help unlock minerals, fix nutrients, activate microbial flora or proliferate root development. This type of black peat is used in agriculture and gardening as a substrate for seedbeds in outdoor gardening as well as for large extensions of crops for which the formats are ideal big bag Y bulk .

Floricat, the best black peat from Turberas de Buyó

Buying Floricat black peat is synonymous with success for agricultural environments that require compensated substrates full of nutrients that allow a better development of the roots and correct the excess of minerals in the soil . Getting cheap bags of peat is possible at Comercial Mida.


Ideal substrate for rooting and cultivation of plants of all kinds as well as the recovery or extra supply of nutrients for soils with excess minerals or poor for cultivation.


  • high content in humic extract that favors the absorption of nutrients, water retention and germination of the planted seed.
  • Universal black peat for any type of crop.
  • Ideal for better germination and rooting.
  • Helps reduce irrigation frequencies.
  • It favors soil conditions and its structure in the medium-long term.


This type of black peat has unique properties such as:

  • More than 60% total organic matter.
  • Dry apparent density: 110 +/- 30 g/L.
  • Electrical conductivity: 300-900 µS/cm.
  • pH: 6+/- 1
  • Contains heavy metals: Class A
  • It complies with RD 865/2010 regarding the level of microorganisms present in black peat.


It is ideal to apply directly on soils that need a recovery or extra contribution of organic matter to be able to germinate the seeds that we plant.


100% herbaceous peat from high mountains, natural fibers and corrected pH. Contains CaCo3 7kg/m3


Empres Peatlands leader in Spain.


  • Big Bag raffia sack 1m3.
  • Big Bag 2m3 raffia sack.
  • In bulk 50m3.

*Orders that include these productsmay take longer to be shipped due tologistic reasons. Delivery time may vary around48/72 hours. If you urgently need the product,Get in contact with us for more information before making your purchase.


Street delivery. Our supplier does not offer a boom truck delivery service.

Discover the best prices andfloricat offers  that we prepare for you at Comercial Mida.