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Retreaded or Plastic Wire for Crop Support

£10.00 Regular price £13.00
by Flower
SKU: CM-0000006559
Type: Alambre

The wires presented by Flower Hort Up are a perfect tool to make the subjection of the plants to the tutors or supports and thus prevent stem breakage and branches caused by wind, rain or animals. The wire is fine and it does easily manageable , allowing free mobility when holding and tying the plants. A very common use of this tool in gardening is for cure and welding in branches and broken stems, helping to produce a better fixation and healing . With the help of the stakes, it is used to shape the plants and wire crops that have abundant leaves. It improves the subjection and support of plants and shrubs with soft, flexible and fine stems.

The best Flower Hort Up wire for holding plants and crops, rubberized or plastic

In our store we have two types of wire : one made of wire retreaded covered with foam to prevent damage or injury to the stems and plastic wire . The retread is presented in a 5-meter coil and the plastic one, in a 30-meter roll.


Wire, retreaded or plastic, designed for the fastening of horticultural crops and plants.


  • Strong and effective wire for holding crops.
  • It serves as a support for the plant tutors, ensuring their correct growth.
  • Prevents breakage or strangulation of the crop or any of its parts.
  • It serves as a welder and heals broken or injured stems.
  • Improves fixation and healing.
  • Easily manageable.
  • Two types of wire available: plastic or retreaded.


  • Coil of 5 meters of retreaded wire. EAN 8426584550601.
  • 30 meter roll of plastic wire. EAN 8426584550595.

*Orders that include any of these productsmay take longer to be shipped due tologistic reasons. Delivery time may vary around10/12 days. If you urgently need the product,Get in contact with us for more information before making your purchase.

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