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Natural Calming Collar CALMING BEAPHAR 65cm for Dogs

£10.00 Regular price £14.00
by Beaphar
SKU: CM-0000007055
Type: Collar

Calming of Beaphar is a relaxing and anti-stress necklace designed to reduce behavior problems in dogs of all ages, sizes and breeds. Help to avoid anxiety , excessive barking and misbehavior, reassuring pets at specific times and situations of maximum stress such as trips, visits to the vet, separations or loud noises such as firecrackers. The necklace is made from natural components and plants like the l avanda and valerian , known to have numerous calming and tranquilizing properties. The accessory progressively releases the extracts of these plants, achieving relaxation and eliminate symptoms of discomfort ; improving the behavior of the dog. The effect of the necklace lasts up to 6 weeks and it is waterproof. can be used as preventative method and also if the dog is already experiencing a period of stress. It is recommended that, if we know that a situation that displeases our faithful companion is going to occur, we place the collar at least 15 minutes before to calm your nerves.

Calming, the best calming collar from Beaphar based on valerian and lavender anti-stress for dogs

¿You want to help your dog reduce his occasional nervousness Some dogs suffer anxiety and stress easily. Travel, visits at home, separation anxiety or loud noises such as firecrackers are some of the most common causes that lead to mental instability to your four-legged friend. Stress manifests itself in many ways, such as barking or nervous chewing, and ends up causing the dog to have bad behaviors. Thanks to Beaphar's Calming collar, you can guarantee the well-being of your pet based on natural extracts and soothing.


Natural calming collar with relaxing effect for dogs. It is indicated to reduce moments of tension and stress such as changes in your daily routine, going to the vet or separation anxiety.


  • Suitable accessory for dogs and puppies of all breeds from the moment they leave the litter.
  • Necklace based on natural extracts with a relaxing effect (valerian and lavender).
  • Calms behavior and reassures dogs in stressful situations.
  • Its use is free to affect other animals in the home.
  • Reduces anxiety, excessive barking or bad behaviors.
  • Suitable for preventive use.
  • Lasting effect for at least 6 weeks.
  • Measurement of 65 cm, easily adjustable.
  • It is resistant to water, its properties will not be altered or weakened if it is wet.
  • Dose instructions on the package should be followed.

HOW TO USE: How to use the Beaphar Calming Calming Collar for Dogss?

It is recommended to put on the collar at least 15 minutes before a potentially stressful situation. A minimum of two fingers of separation should be left between the collar and the dog's neck to avoid problems, strains or squeezes. The effect of each necklace lasts up to 4 weeks and can be replaced as many times as necessary.


Natural extracts free of aggressive chemicals: Valerian: 2.5% Lavender: 4.5%.


1 unit. EAN 8711231175833.

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