Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores

1 Door Cage for Catching Mice

£53.00 Regular price £68.00
SKU: CM-0000005087
Type: Trampa

Insprovet presents a range of traps in the form of 1-door cages for capture of rats and mice without causing death or any type of damage . exist 3 types of cages depending on the size of the animals that need to be captured: large, medium and small cage . They are all made in galvanized metal of excellent quality, strong and durable and they are made in Spain . Thanks to this trap you will be able to capture those rodents that threaten your house. Its operation is simple: the bait is placed inside the cage and through the mechanism of closing by drop doors the animal will be trapped inside. They are designed with two clear objectives in mind: catch and release . The mouse sneaks inside to be able to release it away from the home, place or space where it has been found.

1-door cage, Insprovet's best trap for harmless capture

¿You suspect that a mouse has sneaked into your house. You want to throw it out without hurting it, but you don't know how Insprovet makes it easy for you with the one-door capture cages.a. Easily trap small rodents , without damaging them and with ease to release them far away to let them free far from your home.


Trap for harmless capture of animals. Available in 3 different sizes: small, medium or large cage.


  • Ideal for capturing animals without causing death or damage.
  • High quality trap.
  • It allows the capture and subsequent release of the animal without having direct contact with it.
  • They are not dangerous to other animals.
  • Reusable and easy to handle and clean.


Made of galvanized metal.


Small 62 x 21 x 21cm
Median 82 x 32 x 31cm
Great 127 x 36 x 47cm


  • Small Cage. EAN 3338020080021.
  • Medium cage. EAN 3338020078356.
  • Big cage. EAN 3338020081769.

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