The Greentop season ticket for autumn lawn of vitaterra It is a product indicated for its application in the months of September October Y november. Perfect to overcome those problems of stress that the lawn can suffer due to summer weather Y fall. Their composition is balanced and is designed to take care of the lawn during four months after application. You will provide nutrients necessary for adequate recovery and minimizes Nitrogen losses. Help to Protect the environment.
This subscription micro granulated makes your app result very simple and the distribution of the product is homogeneous. Contains microelements for a more complete nutrition. For greater efficiency, its administration is recommended after mowing.
Fertilizer for the recovery of the lawn in the autumn months after the summer weather.
EC payment. Complex fertilizer NPK (Mg,S) 12-8-18 (2.17) with trace elements Manganese (Mn) and Zinc (Zn). Microgranulate containing inhibitor (DCD) slower Nitrogen release for 120 days.
Greentop autumn lawn fertilizer should be applied after mowing at a dose of 24g per m². It will be distributed homogeneously and it will be watered according to custom and following the application schedule in the bag.
1 5 Kg bag of Greentop Autumn lawn fertilizer. EAN 8433333201509.
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