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Do you travel with furry? Here are some tips...

Do you travel with furry? Here are some tips...

Traveling with dogs by car It seems simple, but the truth is that it is not as easy as we might consider a priori. Most owners do not knowhow to transport your pets

At ComercialMida.es we give you the keys to educate our furry ones and keep them calm in the car, traveling safely

¡These holidays also enjoy with the animals!

Vacation days are approaching and you have to have everything ready. Luggage, accommodation reservations, organization of routes... and of course our dogs .

More and more people are choosing to enjoy their holidays with their best friends, as there are more and more tourist alternatives that allow animals access to their facilities.

To get to your rest destination, many of you will choose to travel by car. Apart from knowing how travel safely with dogs You must also educate them so that they get used to this means of transport and are calm during the journey.

In this post we give you several tips to keep in mind to travel with dogs :

  • Before leaving home, do not forget to take all the  documentation of the animal, health card and up-to-date vaccination record. Obviously, the animal must have the identification chip incorporated that will allow us to have all the data of the animal in case it escapes or is lost.
  • We should try to travel first thing in the morning and take the dogs on an empty stomach, this way we will prevent them from vomiting in case they get dizzy.
  • Dogs can go for hours without eating, but not without drinking. Place an old cloth or towel near the animal to catch the remains in case they return.
  • A few days before making the trip, try familiarize the animal with the stopped car , let him enter and remain calm in it. To start, take short trips with the car. Help them with prizes so that they associate going by car as something positive. If we skip this step, the dog may cry all the way on the first few trips.


Current legislation does not make it clear how to travel with animals, but the dog must be restrained and in a separate space from the driver to avoid distractions and the worst consequences in the event of a collision.

The General Directorate of Traffic (DGT) prohibits animals from being loose in the car or located in the front seat because they can present a danger to driving. Dogs must be restrained and under no circumstances can they stick their heads out the window.

If our furry is a small animal, we have to place it in the back seats inside a basket or carrier for dogs. If, on the other hand, we have a large dog, the animal must be tied with a dog seat belt, and separated from the rest of the occupants by means of a grid. Both will help keep you protected in the event of a sudden stop, accident or collision.

In no way should we put the dog in the trunk. A bad combustion or even the gases that the engine gives off can be deadly for them. It's very dangerous!!





During the journey, if you leave the car for a short time, remember to leave the window open so that the pet can breathe. Try to park the car in a cool place where it is shaded and with a drinking fountain nearby so that it can cool off when it gets thirsty.

On very hot days or during the summer months, do not leave dogs alone in the car in any way, they can have a thermal shock that can even cause death.

don't forget about  make stops every two hours , animals just like people have to take breaks during the journey. At the time of the stop you can take the opportunity to relieve themselves and drink water.



...to enjoy . Fortunately, it is becoming easier to find places to travel with our pets. Hotels, hostels, beaches, bars, public means of transport... Now we have many alternatives to have fun with our furry friends on vacation, wherever it may be. Let's take advantage of them!!


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