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How to brush your dog's teeth

How to brush your dog's teeth

A few days ago we launched an article on theImportance of brushing your dog's teeth, today we want to leave you some steps on how should brushing be done to make it effective and comfortable for you and your pet.

As we have already said, brush your dog's teeth It should become a task be pleasant to your pet, and for them they should get used gradually. In the event that your pet cannot get used to this process or has a tendency to bite or be aggressive, we recommend that you consult your veterinarian to clean his mouth.

Como cepillar los dientes a tu perro


It is easier to get our dog used to brushing teeth when he is a puppy, although some adult dogs may be comfortable with the process, it is always convenient to start young.


Do not use human toothpaste to brush your dog's teeth, most contain fluoride, which is toxic to our pet.

¿How to brush your dog's teeth?

1. Initially, when we already have thetoothpaste specific for our pet , we recommend that the dog get used to the taste of the paste, to do this put toothpaste on your fingers and let the dog lick it off.

2. After a week repeating the previous process, we can now introduce the paste in the mouth of our pet, for this we will put toothpaste on our finger and we'll slide it gently on our dog's teeth . We will repeat this process for a week and we will not introduce the finger beyond where he feels comfortable. We remember that this process must be progressive and adapted to the animal.

3. It's time to start using thetoothbrush . Dip the brush in water and spread a little toothpaste on it, once done, let your dog lick some of the paste and then grab your pet's nose until it stops licking. Now start gently brushing the animal's fangs. The brushing movement should be slow and with the brush angled towards the gums, sliding from the gums to the tip of the tooth. At the moment we will not brush the incisors, since they are more sensitive and we want our pet to get used to and enjoy the process.

4. One week later we will start brushing the back teeth , we will advance little by little until our dog feels comfortable. We will brush the posterior teeth with circular movements on both sides of the mouth.

5. Finally, and after one more week brushing the canine and posterior teeth, we will brush the incisors, To do this, we will grab the dog's snout, keeping it closed, and we will lift the upper lip with our index fingers and thumb, beginning to brush in the same way as the fangs, from top to bottom and very gently. We remember that these teeth are more sensitive and many dogs sneeze when doing so.


With these steps you can get your dog used to brushing teeth little by little, which will be of great help in youroral health and general as we have seen in ourFirst article.

Little by little you can increase the brushing time and remember that brushing must be done every day for good protection.


We hope this information will be of help to you.

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