Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores
En Septiembre... ¡Vendimia!

In September... Vintage!

In September... Vintage!

Next month is, without a doubt, the most important month for viticulturists and winemakers. In the month of September, the grapes are ready for harvesting, so the most important time of the year begins for the vintage .

Although the entire vinification process must be taken care of in order to obtain a good product, the harvest must be carried out with great care.


¿When is the harvest done??

Generally, thevintage It is carried out between August and October, depending on the climatic conditions and therefore, on the state of our fruit. Once the grape reaches optimum maturity, it is ready for harvest.

¿How long does the harvest work last??

Because it is a laborious job, the activity consumes between 30 and 40 days of work.



Curiosities about the vintage

Because it is a very peculiar activity, at the harvest we always find curiosities. Despite the technological advances, which are many, the harvest continues to be carried out on the basis established by the Romans and the Egyptians for this activity.

Advances have made it possible to improve the tools necessary to be able to work in the vineyards more comfortably: scissors with a comfortable grip, bags that facilitate transport in difficult areas, or light and flexible plastic buckets that are easy to wash and store.


Products for the care of the vineyard and the elaboration of the wine

Currently, there are various products to pamper our vineyards to the maximum and to be able to prevent and cure various diseases, such asMildew, thepowdery mildew, the Black Root and thebotrytis, among others, that produce large losses in performance.

Once a healthy and quality fruit has been obtained, the production of the wine begins. During the process, various problems may arise, such as oxidation, sulphurous wines, acidity problems, second fermentations, among others.

Luckily for those who make this ancient drink, there are many products to avoid/correct the problems mentioned above and that we leave you below:

oenology products

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