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Stop abandono mascotas

STOP!!! Let's stop pet abandonment NOW

STOP!!! Let's stop pet abandonment NOW

Sadly, Spain is among the countries with the highest rate of pet abandonment so since Commercial Measure We want to talk about it on the blog with the aim of raising awareness and one day eradicating this undesirable practice.

We offer you a shocking fact  "Every 3 minutes a pet is abandoned in Spain" . In almost no country of the European Union is this index given. Around 150,000 companion animals are abandoned at the end of the year. If we do the math, we find a rate of more than 400 pets a day. But even more worrying is that the figures have not decreased in the last ten years. Neither the chip with the identification data of the pet nor the hardening of fines, and even criminal classification, for abandonment or mistreatment of animals have managed to reduce the data.

The arrival of summer It is especially worrying because, with it, we do not stop receiving news about the increase in the number of dropouts. However, what is surprising is that it is not necessarily at this time when more animals are abandoned. In other words, there are no more dropouts in summer than at other times of the year, since this situation is very similar in the different months of the year throughout the year. Contrary to what is commonly believed, the three four-month periods of the year show very similar figures: 36%, 33% and 31%, respectively, of abandoned animals over the total for the year. These data confirm that animals are not abandoned mainly in summer, when families do not know what to do with their pets on their vacations, but rather that this situation is constant throughout the year.

However, there is another risk factor that affects these rates. Sometimes the economic problems They make this phenomenon known and already represent 15% of the causes identified for abandonment. This happens because the economic outlay of having a pet is not taken into account, since in addition to the investment in feeding either hygiene Veterinary consultations, possible health problems, security systems, rest, entertainment products, as well as a multitude of factors that are not initially taken into account, must also be added.

All of the above means that the role of animal associations and protectors is fundamental today and, above all, that they are overwhelmed and without resources to care for and attend to all the animals that come to them. Since Commercial Measure We want to help them by spreading this problem.

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