Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores


Insects are the most abundant animals on planet Earth and consume any type of organic substance. They are small in size and have a segmented body. Except for a few cases, in insects the sexes are separate and their reproduction is sexual.

Pest insects negatively affect agricultural production, causing damage to crops and therefore economic losses. In order to control the proliferation of this type of insect and alleviate the consequences, we have at our disposal insecticides that are constituted as chemical compounds designed to control said insects.

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The best insecticides for pest control in plants and crops

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Quimunsa (QM)
£19.00 Regular price £22.00 On Sale

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Diptron insecticida para uso zoosanitario contra moscas del caballo e insectos molestos para caballos y entornos equinos
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Quimunsa (QM)
£35.00 Regular price £45.00 On Sale

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Insecticida Cipermetrina 500 gr de Probelte
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£5.00 Regular price £9.00 Sold Out

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