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Rocalba Bean Braimar 'Mata Baja'

£3.00 Regular price
by Rocalba
SKU: CM-0000013862

The Braimar bean plant It is very characteristic due to its low size or low bush, which makes it ideal for plantations where there is not a large space or when you don't want the beans to take up a lot of space. It also has a very early growth cycle , is very vigorous and gives a very high production, and is resistant to certain common viruses, which makes this plant be especially grateful yes it takes care

The best Braimar bean seeds to sow in Rocalba.

Beans have many properties that are beneficial to health, including their high amount of vitamins, which make them antioxidants and help in certain cardiovascular processes. In addition, they have a large amount of water so they are very easy to digest.


These Braimar bean seeds are ideal for planting in areas with little space because they are low growth and do not grow too much.


  • Low kill.
  • Very meaty product.
  • Great quality.
  • excellent appearance.
  • High production.
  • Very resistant and vigorous plant.


It is recommended to sow 4 to 6 seeds in blows with previously fresh soil and then water, it should be watered moderately, always avoiding water puddles.


Phaseolus vulgaris.


Bean seeds are planted in late spring or early summer, from April to August.


The collection of the bean seeds is done in summer and at the beginning of autumn, between the months of June to October, always depending on when the planting season was.


Pack of 5 30g sachets.

Consult all the seeds and the best prices in Rocalba in Comercial Mida.

⚠️ This product is not shipped to the Canary Islands.+info

Due to environmental and border control restrictions that would increase the delivery time as well as the cost of the same, any seed order made from the Canary Islands will be cancelled.