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FLOWER Soluble Fertilizer for Horticultural and Ornamentals 800gr

£11.00 Regular price £18.00
by Flower
SKU: CM-0000006733
Type: Abono

The A soluble bond de Flower is formulated in small easily assimilated microcrystals for orchard and garden plants. Its use is ideal in domestic and urban gardens, applying it dissolved in irrigation water. Its formulation enhances growth of vegetables and ornamental plants, helping them during the development process to achieve a flowering and fruit set of abundant and strong fruits. Its granulated format allows it to be incorporated into installations or assemblies with automatic ferti-irrigation systems, which supply water and fertilizer to the plants at the same time. This type of fertilizer is chemical free and favors the absorption of all the essential nutrients at the rate that the plantations need for their development.

The best soluble Flower fertilizer for application in horticultural and ornamental plants

Both fruits, vegetables and flowers need a continuous supply of nutrients, of easy assimilation, for a good development and maintenance. If the plants feel a lack of some essential element or are damaged by pests and infestations, they will not fruit or grow optimally and could be seriously affected.


Fertilizer for good maintenance of orchards and gardens free of pests or weakening of the land and plants.


  • Fertilizer in soluble format.
  • Easy assimilation.
  • Complete and balanced formula.
  • Promotes good growth, development, flowering and fruiting.
  • Improves rooting.
  • It guarantees a good setting of the fruits.
  • It maintains a continuous and abundant flowering.
  • Easy to apply.

    ¿When should the soluble fertilizer for horticultural and ornamental plants be applied??

    Its application is recommended during the months of March to July and in September. must applybefore planting and during cultivation.


    Dissolve 1-2 grams per liter of water and irrigate with this solution. Apply once a week during the period of growth, flowering and fruiting.
    Please note that a full scoop equals 12 grams of product.


            • Do not eat.
            • Keep out of the reach of children.
            • For conservation, store the product in a dry and cool place.


            NPK fertilizer.


            Box of 800 gr. EAN 8426584107744.

            *Orders that include this productmay take longer to be shipped due tologistic reasons. Delivery time may vary around10/12 days. If you urgently need the product,Get in contact with us for more information before making your purchase.

            Consult all the products for home and garden and the best flower deals in Commercial Measure.