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Atlántica Agrícola Concealer Cuprik WG

£32.00 Regular price £37.00
SKU: CM-0000015856
Color - Green

The Cuprik WG copper deficiency corrector is designed as a delivery of extra nutrients to crops that they need it so that they can develop without problems and increase in size. It is easy application , since it is presented in the form of microgranules that are dispersed in water to be applied to crops by foliar spraying. It can use in various types of crops , such as fruit trees, citrus fruits, potatoes and beets or tomatoes and greenhouse crops.

The best deficiency corrector Cuprik WG from Atlántica Agrícola

In addition to helping crops obtain the nutrients they need, this deficiency corrector can be used as a source of copper in herbaceous and woody crops.


The Cuprik WG deficiency corrector is designed to provide crops with the amount of nutrients they need so that they can grow without problems. In addition, it is a source of copper in herbaceous or woody crops.


  • Organic product.
  • Nutrient contribution.
  • More growth.
  • easy application
  • copper source.
  • Application in various types of crops.


Depending on the crop to be corrected, one dose or another is applied, always in g/100L and by foliar application.

fruit trees Olive, walnut and woody Vine citrus potato and beetroot Tomato and greenhouse crops
Dose 300-500 300-400 400-600 100-200 300-400 200-300

The dose is per application and between 1-3 applications per cycle should be made depending on the needs of the crop and the season.


Copper (Cu) 50% p/p.


  • Bag 1Kg Cuprik WG Blue.
  • Bag 1kg Cuprik WG Green.
  • Bag 4kg Cuprik WG Blue.

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