The carpenter's saw Bellota is a cutting tool with triple edge japanese toothing (7 TPI) . guarantees a fast and clean cut for the treatment of materials such as wood, plaster, plastic and chipboard, among others. This Japanese handsaw has a steel sheet exposed to comprehensive heat treatment to maximize durability and strength. This type of Japanese cutting saw c orta on the return movement, throwing , thanks to the opposite arrangement of the teeth. This design allows the use of thinner sheets and reduce effort being stress free. It guarantees a precise cut, reducing the force exerted. It allows work with great smoothness and perfection cutting in any direction, regardless of the direction of the grain.
This carpenter's saw has double heat treatment in the cutting area to ensure greater performance and durability . The handle of the saw is made of beech wood and has a PEFC-certified . The handle is light and pleasant to the touch, facilitating the direction of the cut and increasing the fluency and the free mobility of the saw.
Professional carpenter's saw with Japanese teeth for treating and cutting wood, plaster, chipboard and plastic.
1 Saw. EAN 8414299360899.
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