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Biostimulator BIOCANABIUM VITACANN 250ml revitalizing for cannabis

£14.00 Regular price £16.00
by Flower
SKU: CM-0000000170
Type: Fertilizante

This product is formulated based on various compounds of organic origin, which can be obtained from the hydrolysis of proteins, which act as an effective biostimulant, thus activating the THC production , so that the fertilizers are correctly assimilated by the plants, which increases the creation of phytoalexins. Which in turn favors the plants to acquire a strong resistance to all kinds of pests and situations where they have to face some kind of stress. 

Exceptional biostimulant 

The active mixtures of phosphate and potassium in the Cannabium Vitacann cause to occur faster flowering , while giving more weight to the buds , better flavor and color. The components are absorbed by the plant almost immediately.It should be noted that this fertilizer does not contain chemicals, it is totally natural, of organic .


  • Apply in foliar spray at a dose of 1 to 2 ml. per liter of water, spraying the entire plant before flowering. Make a second application 10 or 15 days later.

  • By root route at a dose of 2 to 4 ml. per liter of water, watering with said solution every 7 days, one week after flowering.

  • Suspend the application one or two weeks before the harvest.

  • Do not mix with sulfur, mineral oils or cupric compounds.