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Vertical Low Pressure Flat Buoy for Drinking Fountain

£12.00 Regular price £16.00
SKU: CM-0000003537

The low pressure flat buoy with vertical outlet is a mechanism for automatic drinkers that detect water level and provides a continuous supply . This model includes a metal fitting very sturdy. Due to its size it is ideal for automatic waterers for dogs and cats, but it is ideal as a buoy for waterers for other types of animals. It is made with quality materials that provide durability to the product. Includes a float which serves as a meter to control the flow of water. The buoys for dog, cat or cattle waterers They are an essential element if you want to provide the animal with a constant flow of water without worries.

The best low pressure buoys with vertical outlet for automatic waterers for pets and livestock

The buoy for drinkers is a very useful accessory for the mechanism to work automatically. Manage a continuous flow of water to make available to the animal at all times. The float is a mechanism that controls the content in the drinker container and thus, when the drinker is empty, it opens the water inlet to fill the container again.


Flat vertical low pressure buoy for automatic drinker for dogs, cats and other animals.


  • Buoy with float for automatic drinkers.
  • It is ideal for use in drinkers for all types of animals.
  • Includes a vertical outlet.
  • The float makes it possible to detect the water level in the container.
  • The animal has a constant level of water.
  • Made with resistant quality materials.
  • Includes metal fitting.


Flat Low Pressure Buoy with vertical outlet. EAN 8433602008556.

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