The Extra stove+ for gas stoves is a portable heater ideal for use in gardens, terraces, camping or when the power supply fails. Is gas stove works by piezo ignition forks compatible with gas cartridges B-250 , integrated into one side of the body of the kitchen. The cartridges are quick release and the power of the stove is dimmable . The structure of the kitchen is made of enameled sheet metal and stainless steel that has a secure compartment to anchor the ignition cartridges and avoid any danger of overheating . Count with one pressure regulator to regulate the power of the stove. The burner is rugged, efficient and high speed . The item includes a hard case that allows easy transport, handling and storage.
The item has a safety device which is activated if it detects that the gas pressure it is excessive. If there is too much heat or pressure, the cartridge automatically disconnects and, once adjusted, the stove is reset manually to avoid any type of danger for users.
Gas stove for portable kitchens, ideal for getaways to the countryside, camping, terraces or gardens. It is compatible with B-250 cartridges.
Complete briefcase. EAN 8435056823136.
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