Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores

GAUN Automatic Drinker Rotary Valve

£8.00 Regular price £9.00
by Gaun
SKU: CM-0000011418

The Gaun Automatic Drinker with Rotary Valve is designed to be integrated into a system of flexible plastic tubes. It has a pressure mechanism that administers the water when the animal presses it with its snout.

Gaun's Best Rotary Valve Automatic Drinker

The drinker snaps between the bars of the cage. Its rear valve rotates 360º to adapt to the direction of the feeding circuit. The body is made of polypropylene and its bowl is made of stainless steel , which makes it resistant to bites.


Automatic Drinker with Rotary Valve.


  • rotary valve.
  • Stainless steel bowl.


Polypropylene and stainless steel.


Unit. EAN 8435039966003.

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