Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores

GYC Relax Rabbit Cage (10 Units)

£33.00 Regular price £39.00
SKU: CM-0000009426

Gómez y Crespo has resistant plastic protections which are used to place in the hutch floor , to prevent rodents from hurting their legs or having direct contact with the structure of the cages. East protection article lets the rabbits rest your legs and can move comfortably around the cabin. The structures create a surface that improves well-being of the animals and decreases the probability of bad feet , infections or excessive accumulation of garbage.

Plastic relax, the best protection from Gómez and Crespo for the grids of cages and rabbit hutches

The grid protections increase and guarantee a better productivity of animals, in addition to facilitate the cleaning and sanitizing of the cages . Avoid direct contact of the rodents' feet with the iron of the structures, to guarantee full comfort and freedom of movement.


Plastic protection to cover the grids of the rabbit hutches and cages.


  • Protection for grids.
  • Made of durable green plastic.
  • Easy to fit, remove and clean.
  • Avoid contact of the animals' feet with the iron structures.
  • Reduces discomfort and leg pain.
  • Reduces the possibility of infestations and excessive accumulation of waste.
  • Pack of 10 protections.
  • Long durability.


Made of resistant plastic.


37cm x 24.5cm x 0.5cm.


Pack of 10 Units.

Discover the best prices and offersGomez and Crespo that we prepare for you at Comercial Mida.