Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores


£7.00 Regular price £8.00
SKU: CM-0000003143
Type: Fertilizante

The organic liquid fertilizer Neudorff BioTrissol for Roses is a natural fertilizer that promotes flowering and color intensity of the rose. roses . The raw materials used in this fertilizer help develop the plant and allow better absorption of nutrients to promote development. It can be used both for indoor rose bushes What roses on balconies and gardens . This NK 3-5 fertilizer has a high viscosity what denotes quality and a high content of raw materials. Certificate for Organic Agriculture.

BioTrissol Liquid Fertilizer for Roses from Neudorff

Roses are ideal plants for decoration and need little food, every 4 weeks or so. In addition, the ecological use that can be given to this fertilizer stands out.


NK 3-5 liquid fertilizer for roses and rose bushes.


  • Organic fertilizer NK 3-5.
  • Authorized use for organic farming.
  • With easy-to-apply dosing cap.
  • Suitable for all types of roses and rose bushes.
  • Promotes flowering.
  • Balanced growth.
  • Content for 50 liters of rose fertilizer solution.
  • It can be applied to indoor plants as well as domestic outdoor gardening.
  • Quality raw materials.


5 ml of Biotrissol Rosas per liter of water every 2 weeks for indoor roses. For rose bushes located on balconies, terraces or gardens, apply 10 ml/litre of water.


Total Nitrogen (N) 3.0%, Organic Nitrogen (N) 3.0%, Total Phosphorus Pentoxide (P2O5), 1.5%, Total Potassium Oxide (K2O) 5.0%, Organic Carbon (C) 20.0%, C/N ratio 6.6%. Organic matter 45.0% (s.m.n.), Low in chloride.


250 ml bottle. EAN 4005240135785

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