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Green Lacquered Kennel Special for Large Dogs

£1,933.00 Regular price £2,416.00
SKU: CM-0000003529
Type: Accesorios

Kennel most appropriate for large dogs . The Gómez y Crespo lacquered kennel is made of welded lacquered panels. This product is made up of mixed side panels, a plastic back and a front panel with bars with a door included that facilitates access to the interior of the kennel. On the other hand, thanks to its modular construction , it will allow us to change some parts of it according to our needs and preferences in an easy and simple way, since the product includes the instructions for installing the panels.

The Gómez y Crespo Lacquered Kennel for Large Dogs is the best kennel for large breed dogs.

Lacquered kennel made of top quality materials that provide protection and safety to our pet . The well-being of the dog is essential for it to have a healthy and happy life, which is why this kennel will give it shelter and shelter, giving it confidence and comfort. The modular design allows the parts to be changed according to the needs of the animal and owner.


Ideal kennel for large dogs. It measures 2 x 1.35 m and is finished in green lacquer.


  • Excellent size for large dogs.
  • Modular manufacturing.
  • Made with good quality materials.


GyC kennel for large dogs made of green lacquered galvanized tube.


  • 2m x 1.35m.
  • 2m x 2m


  • 1 Kennel of 2 x 1.35 m. EAN 8433602003230.
  • 1 Kennel of 2 x 2 m. EAN 8433602006378.

Discover the best prices and offers Gómez y Crespo that we have prepared for you at Comercial Mida.