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Forage Net for Hay GAUN Feeding Horses and Cattle

£29.00 Regular price £33.00
by Gaun
SKU: CM-0000008731

The hay net de Gaun is a mesh that facilitates the provision of fodder, grass and feed stable animals such as horses. The design is made based onthick cords of elastic and hard textile fibers, resistant to attack by moths or other bugs. Mesh materials should be soft and respectful with the gums of animals s, since they spend hours snapping and biting the mesh to get the stored food and can cause injuries or abrasion if they are irritating or too hard materials. The use of power networks can reach slow absorption by 50% , so the hay lasts twice as long and stays in about optimal conditions . Forage meshes are ideal for optimizing animal feeding and reduce your stress level thanks to the contribution of slow food and at your entire disposal. These accessories are prepared to be placed at the correct height on any surface or element such as walls, posts, fences or beams.

Hay net, Gaun's best forage net to feed horses

The storage nets They are ideal networks for withstand large amounts of hay and alfalfa to feed the horses for long periods of time and avoid having to refill the feeders every so often and hindering and disturbing the animals.


Mesh to store alfalfa, hay and grass. It facilitates the process of feeding large animals such as horses.


  • Net made from elastic and resistant textile fibers.
  • Makes it easy to store and hold hay, alfalfa or grass.
  • Helps improve the posture of animals, avoiding bad postures.
  • Reduces stress situations in cattle at feeding time.
  • Reduces forage spending.
  • Promotes good digestion.
  • It saves time when administering food to animals.
  • Ideal as fodder for horses.
  • Supports heavy weights.
  • Easy placement.

¿How forage nets are placed?

The layout of the animal feed storage meshes is something of vital importance. The proper placement of forage nets prevents muscle and joint pain and uneven wear of the cattle's teeth. Placing the nets is simple and you must take into account a series of guidelines to make it as easy and comfortable as possible:

  • Placing the nets above the level of the carpus should be avoided. The maximum height at which they must be placed is at chest height . In this way, we avoid two frequent problems: that the animals end up with pain or discomfort in the back or with a ram's neck and that they continuously irritate the respiratory tract by inhaling dust and mold spores. For animals that are shod, such as horses, placement at ground level is uncomfortable, because the horseshoe can get caught in the mesh of the net and cause an accident or damage.
  • position is recommended in horizontal direction and not vertical. Placing nets vertically can lead to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) stress and uneven wear on molars and incisors.
  • if they support each other on a firm surface The stress that can be generated by the impossibility of obtaining food in motion, such as when hanging the net empty or on a tree, will be significantly reduced. The chasing effect of food is negative for the animal.




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