The seeds of Vilmorin are easy grow seeds . The purple onion from Amposta is a variety typical of areas with mild winter climate . This type of onion is good preservation and it is hard and durable. The bulbs are large, globe-shaped, slightly pointed towards the neck and with red outer skin and purple flesh . Mild flavor. Its cultivation requires little space and easily adapts to the environment. It is very resistant to cold and watering should be regular and moderate. prefer loose, healthy, deep soils, rich in organic matter and sunny . Growing large bulbs requires well-fertilized and well-drained soil.
It is recommended to grow these seeds in sunny areas and in soils rich in organic matter . The planting time of the slug onion is in winter and its collection from the month of July. The onion plant is resistant to low temperatures and does not require a greenhouse .
Seeds to plant and harvest purple onion from Amposta.
It is recommended to plant the seeds in winter-spring, during the months of February to April. They will be harvested in summer, from July to September. It is advisable to keep the plants at a temperature of 10ºC.
Seed envelope. EAN 3182670276088.
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Due to environmental and border control restrictions that would increase the delivery time as well as its cost, any seed order made from the Canary Islands will be cancelled.
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