Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores


SKU: CM-0000001714
Type: Semillas

The English Ray Grass (scientific nameperennial lolium) is he most common forage and better known. Fast germination and excellent establishment on the ground. Its seeds make up a highly perennial solution for the establishment of meadows, ideal for cattle farms .

Ray Grass Inglés Eminent is the best forage solution for grass and mowing from WAM

This grass is thought of as pasture for cows and livestock but also can be used for harvesting . It is also useful in mowing green forage, silage or hay from other grasses and legumes depending on what type of meadow you want to create and the use given.

When to plant English ryegrass

Isforage speciesenglish ryegrass semi-late tetraploid is ideal for the production of fodder and feed for cows. Its sowing time is towards the end of summer or spring, to collect or use the following year.

What makes English Ray Grass a good choice?

  • Most common and used forage grass worldwide.
  • Establishment and seeding for meadows, prairies and fast assimilating pastures.
  • Undeniable appetite and digestibility for dairy or beef cattle.
  • It can be mixed with other species of grasses or legumes.
  • High tolerance to waterlogging and flooding.
  • Competitive price and excellent results.

Benefits and features Eminent

It is a varietytetraploid semi-late of excellent duration, resistant to drought and with strength to face fungal infections. This plant is characterized by its rapid growth, resistance, appetite for cattle and a fantastic ability to lay children in the most humid areas of the peninsula.

It adapts better to humid areas and its sowing is carried out towards the end of summer or in spring to obtain green matter the following year.


  • It requires a high water content and nitrogen fertilizer for optimal cultivation.
  • It adapts easily to any type of floor.

Use and indications

Ideal as a green feed for cattle thanks to its unique flavor and digestibility.


5 kg bag.

⚠️ This product is not shipped to the Canary Islands. +info

Due to environmental and border control restrictions that would increase the delivery time as well as its cost, any seed order made from the Canary Islands will be cancelled.