Intersemillas GIGANTE DE VAURIAC yellow fodder beet belongs to the diploid variety, productive with abundant leaves. It is a vigorous and rustic variety, with conical and ovid roots, yellow in color.
- Rise resistance to medium flower.
- It has good productivity.
- Dry matter:9-10%.
open ground
It is sown broadcast at a rate of 15 Kg per Ha in the definitive place, and seedlings must be thinned as they develop.
At the same sowing dose, making a subsequent transplant with a planting frame of approximately 30x40cm.
Fodder beet is a crop that is easy to handle, flexible to harvest and good in conservation. Hardy, resistant to cold, well adapted to rainy climates due to its high water needs. Of great interest in animal feed (beef, pig, etc.) very appetizing, especially in dairy cattle.
It is harvested in times of scarcity of other forages, providing the ration with a food rich in nutrients, fresh, energetic, nutritious, rich in fiber, with a high percentage of dry matter.
Its cultivation is recommended in deep, well-fertilized, drained soils with a high lime content (pH 5.5-6.5).
Crop rotation is recommended for periods of three years, in order to reduce the risk of transmission of pests and diseases.
September to May (depending on areas).
⚠️ This product is not shipped to the Canary Islands. +info
Due to environmental and border control restrictions that would increase the delivery time as well as its cost, any seed order made from the Canary Islands will be cancelled.