Termina el verano y los roedores ya lo saben, DESCUENTOS en artículos para el control de roedores

Sipcam Jardin Anti-snails and slugs 2.5

£11.00 Regular price £16.00
SKU: CM-0000015642

The anti-snail and slug 2.5 is designed to eliminate any type of snail or slug from the plantations and very effectively . It is formulated as small pellets that are thrown into the field and consumed by gastropods , in which it causes the destruction of mucus-producing cells and finally death .

The best anti-snails and slugs 2.5 from Sipcam Jardin

The gastropods ingest the product and remain immobilized in the same area of consumption.


  • The recommended dose is 50g per 100m2


  • Effective in various atmospheric conditions
  • great efficiency


  • Metaldehyde 2.5%


  • 500g container of metaldehyde. EAN 8436562692407.

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