Tetra CrystalWater crystal clear aquarium water It is the solution to keep the entire aquarium environment clear and transparent, thus making it a more attractive place.
Tetra Crystalwater, the best product to obtain crystal clear water for your aquarium
This Tetra product contains organic iron and aluminum salts that allow a effective cleaning in water , and can be used in all freshwater aquariums .
Product to clarify the water in aquariums.
Thus, after 2 or 3 hours, since the product has been added to the aquarium water, a rapid clarification of the water can be observed thanks to the action of the CrystalWater agglutinating the suspended particles that cloud the water. Afterwards, these agglutinated particles will be eliminated by the aquarium filter without any problem.
- Keeps the aquarium water clear and transparent.
- Contains organic iron and aluminum salts.
- Act fast.
- You will be able to observe the effects of the product in the water after 2-3 hours.
Discover the best Tetra offers that we have prepared for you at Comercial Mida.