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Cómo cuidar los árboles frutales

Fruit trees:care and attention

Fruit trees:care and attention

Fruit trees are a group of vegetables with a very varied appearance. In these times, they have become the most desired trees for their fruit, an element with beneficial properties for nutrition and human health. Therefore, the importance of achieving an abundant and quality harvest is highlighted.

Fruit growing is the technique of growing trees that produce fruit. It includes all the concepts about caring for trees. There are three fundamental aspects to it:



Much of the soil is deficient in macronutrients such as nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K).

In some cases, although the elements are present, they are in a form that the plant cannot absorb.

To obtain an abundant and quality harvest, it is necessary that the nutrients are available to the fruit trees in a form in which they can be used by them.

There are fertilizers that contain NPK, in addition to containing magnesium (Mg), another nutrient of interest in the production of fruit trees.



Pruning is done so that the trees remain vigorous and provide us with an abundant and quality production.

There are different types of pruning and they have different objectives, such as getting the tree to have the right shape or renewing the branches that support the fruit.

Wounds in general, including pruning wounds, are the propitious site for the entry of pathogens. This is accentuated when the pruning tools are not disinfected correctly.

For the care of wounds, there are tools such as putties and pastes added with copper that protect the tree from pathogenic organisms. Its use is key in humid climates.


Sellapro B Pasta Cicatrizante Probelte
Source: https://www.agroterra.com/p/sellapro-b-pasta-cicatrizador-de-poda-de-probelte-3131404/3131404


diseases and pests

It is always necessary to carry out continuous monitoring of our fruit-bearing forests, especially after human intervention and when the environmental conditions are conducive to the development of a disease and/or the appearance of a pest.

Said monitoring makes it possible to deal with a disease and/or plague when the damage does not yet compromise the survival of the plant or the harvest of the fruit.

In the market there are insecticides and fungicides with preventive and curative action. For domestic use, there are packs that include both products and are dosed for a backpack.


Advice of Commercial Mida

Establish a calendar with the tasks to be carried out in the fruit forest. Continuous monitoring of the health status of the plant and to detect any nutritional deficiencies should be carried out.

The disinfection of pruning tools and good wound healing are fundamental aspects in the production of fruit trees.

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